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Heligenics Launches Innovative Precision Prescription Test to Enhance Breast Cancer Therapeutics

In a significant development, biotech company Heligenics has introduced a groundbreaking precision genetic test designed to aid in the selection of drugs for breast cancer treatment. This test is the first of its kind and aims to address the issue of drug resistance commonly observed in breast cancer patients.

Currently, numerous drugs are available for treating breast cancer. However, many patients develop resistance, meaning that the cancer cells no longer respond to the drugs that were initially effective against them. The challenge lies in identifying the specific genetic variants responsible for this target-derived drug resistance, as there are over 10,000 potential mutations within cancer genes.

Heligenics aims to overcome this obstacle with their novel genetic test. Making use of their proprietary GigaAssay technology, the test enables rapid determination of which mutations within a patient's tumor genetics make them susceptible or resistant to particular drugs. By analyzing the genetic profile of the cancer cells, Heligenics can provide valuable insights to guide treatment decisions.

Initially, the focus of the test is on three FDA-approved drugs: Tykerb™, Tukysa™, and Nerlynx™. By offering a data-driven approach to treatment, this pioneering test has the potential to transform the analysis of biopsies and revolutionize personalized breast cancer treatment. Heligenics' precision genetic test holds promise for matching patients with the most effective therapies based on their unique genetic characteristics, ultimately improving treatment outcomes in the fight against breast cancer.

Thermo Fisher Scientific viral vector services (VVS)World Orphan Drug Congress 2024World Vaccine Congress Europe 2024Advanced Therapies USA 2024